Desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time
Desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time

With those caveats and assumptions in mind, in this short section on virtual desktop restrictions I want to explain and demonstrate some little known or used GPO settings. That said, Microsoft GPOs remain popular because they ship "free" as part of Active Directory. After all, there are some limitations with GPOs that reduce your ability to configure unique per-user settings for each application. Indeed you may have gone so far as the use of GPOs in favor of some other desktop bolt-down tool such as Scriptlogic or PowerFuse. I'm assuming you're probably already familiar with removing access to the run command or access to the registry tools in Microsoft Active Directory Group Policies. After all, it's not Microsoft who puts PinBall and Solitaire on the Start Menu. So it would be somewhat remiss of me not to acknowledge in some way the significance of desktop restrictions within a VDI environment – despite the fact that this isn't a VMware issue or VDI problem persay.

#Desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time keygen

desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time

Nonetheless the facts and studies speak for themselves and if it was my company…

desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time

Personally, I find this a rather cheerless view of working life and I think to some degree these studies have taken on a rather Dickensian view of the world of work. It's a sobering thought in the current economic climate how repeated studies show that end-users waste time and are unproductive during working hours if they are "distracted" by a computing environment that facilitates work-avoidance behavior. When I heard this I smiled wryly knowing that corporate standards often decree restrictions over what users can and cannot do.

Desktop icons not showing windows 10 for some time